Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What if (10)

What if I could control the weather? What kind of weather would I choose for certain days? Why would I want this specific weather? What are the benefits of being able to do this? One of the first things I would do if I could control the weather would be never bring around hurricanes. Hurricane Katrina has been one of the most brutal hurricanes we have had and I wish there was a way we could have stopped it from happening. I also would not bring around tornadoes. I remember when I was younger, there was a horrible tornado very close to my house. I just remember everyone being scared and praying that everything will be okay. I am not the biggest fan of snow. I only like it snowing when we are able to get out of school for it. I would probably let it snow a couple times during the winter for that reason. I would keep majority of the year at warm temperatures. One of my favorite activities to do is swimming. If I controlled the weather, I could make it warm enough to go swimming whenever I felt like it. I would also control the weather by stopping thunderstorms. I am not a big fan of storms, but I do not mind it raining. When it is raining, I can usually find myself being able to sleep better. The things I would not like with controlling the weather would be not knowing the surprise of what kind of day it is going to be. Sometimes it is good feeling when you get to wake up and out of surprise, it is a beautiful sunny day or it is snowing outside. I remember when I was younger, my mom would tell me and my sister when we woke up to look outside. We would look out the windows, and see snow everywhere. It was a huge surprise and interesting to see when we woke up. My brother and sister always went to go play in the snow, and I chose to go watch them. I enjoyed being able to see my brother and sister love the snow so much and have a fun time in it. I think controlling the weather would have so many benefits to me. It would be one less worry on my mind at times.

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